Migrant workers from Mexico (mostly men) stay in motels for about 8 months during the agricultural season
Lack of community input in the implementation of the vegetation restoration project with hay bales on the shore of the Salton Sea
Residents are concerned about the mold underneath the top layer of the shore as well as the mold that comes from the hay bales
Elvira Barragan spoke about Líderes Campesinas and stories about sexual assault and rape by male border patrol agents
Migrant workers from Mexico (mostly men) stay in motels for about 8 months during the agricultural season
Lack of community input in the implementation of the vegetation restoration project with hay bales on the shore of the Salton Sea
Residents are concerned about the mold underneath the top layer of the shore as well as the mold that comes from the hay bales
Elvira Barragan spoke about Líderes Campesinas and stories about sexual assault and rape by male border patrol agents
Mary Valdemar spoke on the importance of land acknowledgments at the beginning of environmental justice gatherings
North Shore Community Park
built with funding of a few million dollars
community came together for the planning and development of the park (advocating for native plant species, the play area that represents the historical significance and size of the Salton Sea)
One of the schools (either elementary or middle school) is built right on the fault line, the danger of its location isn’t really addressed in the school, but they do practice earthquake drills frequently
Gangs recruit students after school, students are peer pressured into joining from friends
Drug deals happened at the older library
Most homes have limited access to wifi
Street vendors have been deported