In the 2013 exhibition and catalog When the South Wind Blows, local village leaders and visual artists documented life after the arrival of Formosa’s Sixth Naphtha Cracker Complex in over 100...Read more
Tim Schütz 0:08 Can you tell me how you keep up to date about environmental issues in Taiwan? Or in the world, about the things that matter to you? What tools do you use to stay up to date?
Sally Jensen 0:26 This is a good question. I feel like I should talk about what I do when I first...Read more
“The anti-Kuokuang campaign resists top-down regulatory controls and solutions by working at the grassroots level to draw public attention to issues. For example, the...Read more
Work on the Formosa Plastics Global Archive began in 2020, following conversations between members of UCI EcoGovLab and environemntal activist...Read more
Following growing resistance against Formosa in Taiwan, the company decided to expand to Texas in the early 1980s (see ...Read more