Opinion column by River Parishes bureau chief; notes that Formosa withdrew its plan for building a rayon plant in Wallace; author offers balanced opinion, focusing on how 1,000 jobs were lost when this decision was made but also noting that all eggs shouldn't be put...Read more
Author notes how there has been a shift in how many residents view industry; many are opposed to more industry coming in, while politicians are still eager to entice them. William Fontenot, environmental specialist with the State Attorney General's office, is quoted...Read more
Article highlights two opposing viewpoints to proposed Formosa plant through the opinions of two residents, Wilfrend Greene versus Paul Stein. Greene said he has received three buy-out offers. Article notes that parish officials promised as much as $1 million from St...Read more
Article notes conflicting opinions on plant's decision not to come to Wallace; EPA calls Formosa's argument that they delayed environmental permitting process confusing and points fingers back at Formosa (never got full cooperation and disclosure from company to move...Read more