
Developing the Archive

Work on the Formosa Plastics Global Archive began in 2020, following conversations between members of UCI EcoGovLab and environemntal activist...Read more

Zirkulation, infrastrukturelle Bahnung, Schaltstellen

Circulation, Channels, Switching Points. European Border Operations and the Coordination of Interorganizational Reporting Flows

This paper draws on media studies to analyze the reporting system of Frontex joint operations at...Read more

Building Public Works Across Borders: The Potential of Open Access Community Archiving (Gina Hakim)

In the highlands of Michoacán, Mexico, the residents of the village of Urequío have built their own water infrastructure, drawing on groundwater sources for access to running water. Residents maintain infrastructure and manage contamination risks in the absence of government support and...Read more

Engaging with

The article focuses on the analysis of border control agencies and practices of coordinating, classifying and deploying data.  The authors' primarily goal is outlining these processes, opening up...Read more

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