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data capacity
META: What discourses shape the way people in this setting talk about and conceptualize civic data infrastructure and capacity, right-to-know, freedom of information, the potential of expanded public participation, and so on?
DEUTERO: Who in this setting or domain is thinking and worrying about the kinds of civic [qualitative, air pollution, energy transition, anthropocene, risk] data infrastructure, work and capacity called for currently and in the future?
NANO: What cultural frames and dispositions enable or deflect civic data work and capacity in this setting?
DATA: What civic data and communication infrastructure is in place in this setting and how is it configured, accessible and usable? What data, infrastructure and visualization capacity is provided by federal government actors, lower level government acto
COVID19 India Group November 2020 Update
TECHNO: What technical infrastructure in this setting needs to be monitored, governed and planned, and what civic data infrastructure is needed for this?
Fighting Alcoa
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EXDU: What educational and research programs (formal and informal) produce civic data capacity in this setting? What data expertise is available?
BIO: How has civic data capacity (or lack of) impacted people in this setting (subjecting them to industrial risks, for example to over-research or invisibility? What human health impacts and indicators need to be accounted for and addressed in this sett
MACRO: What laws and economic drivers produce (or undercut) civic data infrastructure, access, work and capacity in this setting?
GEO: What Anthropocenic load (toxic waste sites, mercury levels in lakes and streams, etc) in this setting needs to be documented, stewarded and governed, and what civic data infrastructure is needed for this?
MESO: What groups, networks and publics are implicated in civic data infrastructure, work, governance and capacity in this setting? What data and visualizations of these groups and networks are available?
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