civic data

Civic Community Archiving with the Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography: Double Binds and Design Challenges (Preprint)

Community archives serve an array of purposes and types of communities (fan clubs, scientists in particular disciplines, ethnic neighborhoods). We discuss here civic community archives; civic archives, like “civic science,” haveexpressly progressive political aims, question established order,...Read more

Environmental Injustice Case Study Sarnia, Ontario, July 2021

This case study report was developed by students at the Goethe University Frankfurt, for the graduate class, “Archiving for the Anthropocene,” taught by Tim Schütz. The case study framework was adapted from...Read more

Data: The Fifth Utility?

An interesting take on the possible need to consider data as a publicly managed utility, written up as a blog post by Pecan Street, a 501c3 development organization in Austin.
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Data Justice and COVID-19: Global Perspectives

The book contains 38 essays of commentary and analysis comparing and contrasting how different surveillance technologies have been rolled-out in response to the pandemic. With sixty different authors covering events in over thirty countries.Read more

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