
Reading List: Corporate Museums & Petrochemicals

Barrett, R. and Worden, D. (eds.) (2014). Oil Culture . University of Minnesota Press.

Bouquet, M., & Porto, N. (Eds.). (2006)....Read more

Success Stories from the Missouri Buyout Program (2002)

This is a 2002 report by the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency.Read more

Talk Script: Archiving Against Petro - Archive Ethnography as Tactic

What is the world we have observed? We are interested in understanding what kind of data capacities and data infrastructures are needed to support "the long game" of transnational environmental activism against petrochemical expansion in the US, Taiwan, and Vietnam. In that...Read more

BarriosR What Does Catastrophe Reveal for Whom? The Anthropology of Crises and Disasters at the Onset of the Anthropocene

Reading recommended by Onur Arslan for the Transnational Disaster STS COVID-19 project's collaboration call on July 9, 2020. Read more

Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin

Donna Haraway discusses her take on the Anthropocene as Chthulucene and her call to "Make Kin Not Babies."Read more

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