A Dream Dashed by the Rush on Gas

TitleA Dream Dashed by the Rush on Gas
Publication TypeWeb Article
Year of PublicationSubmitted

The shale gas industry maintains that its safeguards protect drinking water and land. But there have been accidents, and mistrust has been sown as the industrial process has moved into rural communities.


'\nNational Geographic story about a family (the Hallowiches) who bought land in PA that became part of a hydrofracking operation--this leads into the rest of the article, which discusses spills and general water quality impacts, and the effects of poor water quality on the community\nPeople like the family featured are taking the natural gas companies to court since they argue the royalties they are getting do not pay for the damage they are needing to remediate such as obtaining clean water or keeping their kids inside when the wind is blowing from the hydrofracking operation\n\n - mcdevl2'
