In the year of 2015, an unfortunate event took place in Perth, with a lab worker passing away shortly after accidentally spilling hydrofluoric acid. This fatality occurred on November 12, when a thirty seven year old man died in the Intensive Care Unit upon splashing approximately one hundred millimeters of a seventy percent solution of hydrofluoric acid on his right leg a month prior. It was estimated that the extent of the spill covered ten percent of his total body area, but still proved to be lethal.
The individual was working as a technician in a small paleontology laboratory, and although he immediately attempted to remove the spill from his clothes, hosing himself down with water attached to a sink in the laboratory, and even running to a swimming pool in a nearby garden, his right leg had to be amputated. Despite this, the lab worker eventually died two weeks after the initial spill, highlighting how hazardous this acid is.
Anonymous, "HYDROFLUORIC ACID : Critical Case : PERTH, AUSTRALIA ", contributed by Taranjot Bhari, Disaster STS Network, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 19 October 2024, accessed 30 November 2024.
Critical Commentary
Information about a fatal hydrofluoric acid spill, which resulted in the unfortunate death of a thirty seven year old lab worker.