Fieldnote Jan 20 2023

Notes Taken from the Stakeholder Meeting Planning Session: Attended by Kim, Mike, Jose, Leonel, Sarahi, Margarita, Me.

KIM: Beginning to think it will come together in a nice way. We are ready to move. The EPA people don't know their role either. To pull them in. It would be helpful to them. Everyone is displacing responsibility. But they want to support. But they need us. They want to work with us. 

We talked to EPA AQMD and CARB. I don't know who is showing up. But one org that i want to show up, that is really not responsive OC CUPA. underground storage, chemical plants for major onsite release. RMPs. And they are near Madison PArk. The Schools do not have plans. 

Cupa is not responsive. One of our students went to the reading room. But even then we don't know the offsite risk. How far the could would go. Any connections to CUPA?

Marg: I had a conversation with the fire dep. A lot of coordination, but only among the agencies. Not effort for community connection on the ground. The guy at the fire dept, he has a lot of knowledge. Of the history. Very detail oriented. He is the contact. I’ll send it to you all. He is the one who was saying how all the cities, the fire department, they are all aware about what’s happening. But there are a lot of people outside the bubble. 

Kim: SA city officials. Jose, you are reaching out? 

Jose: Yes. if you help me with the email. Highlighting the university community collaboration. That would help me a lot. Planning to reach out to dept. Of toxic substance control about the cleanup site on pomona.
Is that something you know Marg?

Marg: there are several in SE area. That are different tracts of the cleaning up. It takes a long time. There are like 20 industrial sites. Theta re all on different timelines. The one by the cabinet site, that will take 10 years. But they are removing some of it. There are concerns about what will escape as they remove it. 

KiM: Cal enviro shows many clean up sites. “How do we characterize these for the community?” And then, in view of the experts. “What kind of advocacy to get them where they need to be to make sure the sites are not a hazard?” There are disputes about what is “acceptable” and when and how they are finished. 

KIM: EPA was like, there is  a lot going on in SA. This must be overwhelming for the community. 

MArg: Will people show. 

Jose: yes. 50-75. Maybe more. Maybe less. But that is the target. All of us have our role to play. All of us taking that segment of the puzzle we know. And for us, it's that we want the people to be informed. We need to let people know that this is not a proven fact that we are killing ourselves with the stuff we breathe. We have suspicion. But we need to gather information. And then there are things here, created for the purpose to mitigate harm. 

Kim: the AB617, we will have to identify and lead community and reference points. To invite Neighborhood associations. We can use a formal invitation. And then a more, “come one com all”

Jose: we have potential leads on that. We have, the Del high community center. They have concerns. Logan has a lot of issues. Artesia Polar. We have leads that we have not been able to develop.

Marg: they would be on board. Logan is where the crematory is. 

Kim: that’s north? 

Jose: just north of us against the 5. 

Kim: setting up for the meeting. The equipment to record. It would be great to document. Can you bring your equipment? 

Marg: We have a training that night. I don't need the camera. I'll figure it out. You want to make it a hybrid? 

Kim: would like to give the option to call in. even though we prefer it in person. Leonel will do translation. Tim can bring a camera. 

Jose: we haven't discussed that but we can talk about it. 

Mrg: the internet is good. We have done it before. We need a good microphone. 

Kim: a table mic? 

Marg: yes. It is a conference room microphone. Its like 15-20 people. It can capture. 

Kim: we have one of those too. Idk if we can use both for getting two different places in the room. 

I think these groups are, I know they are scared of the communities. I don't want canned speeches. So, it will be run as a panel discussion, to allow people to lead with questions. 

Maybe set it up at the front of the room, orgs at the front. And people come to speak. 

The point of the meeting is for the city to have people come figure out the city’s role in furthering EJ. 

MArg: that way i can clarify the role of the city participants. Because we are already working with UCI and MPNA. but yea, we are also trying to do the same thing. So yea. So, if you pitch it as a collaboration. Figure out how to take the conversation to new levels of commitment and partnership will be non-threatening. 

Kim: that is how i pitched it to state agencies. PArtnering with the City’s new Env. division. How to take advantage of this moment. The EPA people saw we need to take advantage of the momentum we have right now. 

So, yes. Say it is not a confrontation with the city but bring people into the process. I have already shared the neighborhood initiative webpage. 

The thing that passed last week. 

Marg: It's a code amendment, a series of amendments. I have been asked to explore the distance buffer to explore, to expand another 500 ft. to make it 1000ft. Are there studies to support? 

Jose: Why do you think aqmd uses 1000 yards from the school? In order to keep the schools safe? How do they set these distances. 1000ft is not aht far. But 1000 yards is a good distance. So, 1000ft is better than 500. But how do they get these measures? 

MArg: the noticing is 1000 ft. 

Jose: the noticing is 1000 yards. Of  brass tech. So, how do they set that standard. How and why.

Mrg: ill ask. I can call them. 

Kim: we can also look into the research literature on set backs. I looked at the green walls data, like do they work? So, there is probably data out there. It’s hard to find though. And sometimes i garb things im not looking for but i think migt be useful later, because i dont know how i got to where i am at. 

Jose: yes 

Kim: marg, reach out in the city, good CUPA connection. Jose: the elected officials. 

What is the set up? 

Jose: a banquet room. Can do roundtable. Theater. They have several options. 

MArg: maybe breaking up the theater style. Even if it needs to be like 3 browns vs one section. If there is an opportunity to have tables to make it interactive. 

Kim: having people at round tables. Have people stop and think about different questions. What about mics for live sound? Like for moderators? 

Jose: the center will have that whole set up. Its used for conegereces. We just need to let them know what we need. 

Kim: we want rectangular tables at the front, facing the room. To have the city and other orgs in a 3 way dialogue with the community. 

Marg: can’t be more than 2-3 city council. Could be in violation of the brown act. If there are more than that, it could be perceived as discussion of policy outside the public city context. 

From the chat: 

Jose Rea to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 16:55)

Thanks Sarahi

Sarahí Gutierrez to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 17:01) 

Delhi offers mics

Sarahí Gutierrez to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 17:06)

Here is what the banquet room looked like from the community forum: 

Sarahí Gutierrez to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 16:52)

GREEN_MPNA also has an OWL we could use, if you need additional equipment.

Jose Rea to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 16:55)

Thanks Sarahi

Sarahí Gutierrez to Everyone (Jan 20, 2023, 17:01)


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Contributed date

March 14, 2023 - 1:18am

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Anonymous, "Fieldnote Jan 20 2023 ", contributed by , Disaster STS Network, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 14 March 2023, accessed 28 November 2024.