Chapter 11: Risk Management versus the Precautionary Principle: Agnotology as a Strategy in the Debate over Genetically Engineered Organisms

TitleChapter 11: Risk Management versus the Precautionary Principle: Agnotology as a Strategy in the Debate over Genetically Engineered Organisms
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2008
AuthorsProctor, Robert N., Londa Schiebinger, and David Magnus
PublisherStanford University Press
CityStanford, CA
ISBN Number97080804759014
Notes'\"Agnotology is the construction of ignorance.  But it is also often a strategy that can be utilized to bring about specific ends, such as avoiding regulation or liability.\" (250)\nFind Chris Mooney, The Republican War on Science\n\"This story has now become so common that we know it by hear: industry and its politically conservative allies oppose science-based regulation and support the creation of uncertainty to protect their interests.  Examples range from the tobacco industry fighting the idea that smoking has a negative impact on health to combating the growing consensus on global warming.\" (251)\n    called \"construct agnotology\"\nprecautionary principle\n - mcdevl2'