Trans-System Social Ruptures: Exploring Issues of Vulnerability and Resiliency1

TitleTrans-System Social Ruptures: Exploring Issues of Vulnerability and Resiliency1
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsWachtendorf, Tricia
JournalReview of Policy Research
AbstractThis essay takes up a recently introduced term, trans-system social ruptures (TSSRs), and demonstrates its applicability to understanding ruptures to transnational systems. Using the relationship between Canada and the United States as a focus point, the article differentiates national from transnational system social ruptures. The article goes on to explore national and transnational system vulnerability to and resiliency from TSSRs. The distinction between the two types of TSSRs poses empirical, operational, and policy implications. The objective and subjective emergence of TSSRs as a social problem has much to offer to our understanding of disaster events and future crises. The article closes with several recommendations for theoretical development.
Short TitleTrans-System Social Ruptures