Title | Understanding the Societal Challenges Facing Nuclear Power: Proceedings of a Workshop |
Publication Type | Book |
Authors | Johnson, Anne Frances |
Publisher | National Academies Press |
City | Washington, D.C. |
ISBN Number | 978-0-309-68984-7 |
Notes | 'Weart: “…perceptions of fossil fuels have not tapped into our fears of unchecked power and apocalypse, or a visceral sense of disgust, in the same way that nuclear energy has throughout its history…’we haven’t gotten properly scared of climate change.’”\n\n - Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn'
'Overview:\nWorkshop was Sep 2021. \n“…recent successes in gaining support for siting nuclear waste facilities in Europe.”\n“…the tendency for people to be most accepting of nuclear facilities in places where nuclear facilities already exist.” \n“…the insufficiency of the knowledge deficit model-the notion that skepticism about science or technology can be overcome with more information-in addressing disconnects between nuclear engineers and the public... instead requires a responsive process of listening to communities and addressing what people care about.”\n\n - Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn'
'Lessons from STS:\n\n\n - Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn'
URL | https://www.nap.edu/catalog/26606 |
Short Title | Understanding the Societal Challenges Facing Nuclear Power |