Darren Woods, chairman and Chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil Oil and Gas spoke, along with other oil executives on the future of oil in a CERAWeek conference in Huston during March of 2022. The theme, Pace of Change: Energy, Climate, and Innovation. Energy has exploded to the top of many news headlines due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the dramatic impact in the global supply chain and pricing of oil. New talks of energy independence, oil and gas market volitility, and US energy transitions have all risen to the top due to the geopolitical implications of the current world crisis. Accourding to a New York Times reporting on the conference, "Oil and gas producers who are not Russian are, as my colleague David Gelles put it, 'suddenly feeling very good about themselves.'" Many oil and gas companies have asked the United States government to increase permits and apporvals for oil drilling and expansion to compensate for the need, while others have argued that this is the perfect time to begin the US energy transition. Only time will tell where the United States and the world head next.