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TitleRead "Going the Distance?: The Safe Transport of Spent Nuclear Fuel and High-Level Radioactive Waste in the United States" at
Publication TypeBook
Year of PublicationSubmitted
AbstractRead chapter 3 Transportation Risk: This new report from the National Research Council's Nuclear and Radiation Studies Board (NRSB) and the Transportation...
Notes'\n\nHealth and safety risks from exposure to radiation to the public\n\n\nSocial risks from social processes and people’s perceptions\n\n\n“risk can be expressed in terms of the expected number of deaths per quantity of spent fuel transported, per number of packages shipped, or per number of package shipment”?\n\n\nPeople could face anxiety\n\n\nLoss of property/road values -> reduced economic activity \n\n\nNuclear waste has been transported since WWII; civilian waste since early 1960s\n\n\nFor vulnerable groups out of the “affected” groups, because of ethnic, linguistic, or socioeconomic issues, there may be a struggle to understand information from authorities and cope in an emergency\n\n\nRisk perceptions can be modulated by actions of the organization in charge\n\n\nUsing comparisons would be very helpful in describing information to public\n\n\n\n\nWhat I think concerns public:\n\n\nIf everything works the way it’s supposed to, what are the consequences?\n\n\nWhat is the worst case scenario and its consequences?\n\n\nHow much radiation would the public receive? Compare it to levels already received from other means\n\n\nIf there is an accident, huge lost of trust (perception-based impact); social amplification of accident\n\n\nHow much does it add to transportation emissions, and overall transportation accidents?\n\n\nCollective dose to population?\n\n\nImpact on the environment?\n\n\nImpact on economy?\n\n\nHow much is being transported at a time compared to “normal”/past levels?\n\n\nWhat’s the worst accident of this nature so far in the US?\n\n\nTerrorist attacks? So security levels?\n\n\n\n - anastasiat968'
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