II. Course Learning Outcomes


1. Advanced literacy in the regional tradition of historical and cultural studies of nuclear technologies and development in the United States, and the role of New Mexico in particular, as well as the complex moral, political, economic, and environmental implications

2. Identify the main arguments and perspectives of authors across genres and disciplines, in addition to analyzing different stakeholder perspectives, statements, and actions associated with nuclear issues

3. Rapidly identify clusters of key research questions and locate sites of information for answering these questions

4. Work collaboratively to rapidly produce case study research using diverse digital tools to support research and collaboration

These four learning outcomes were designed in accordance with the NMT CLASS Program Learning Outcomes: https://www.nmt.edu/academics/class/classoutcomes.php


Creative Commons Licence


Contributed date

January 12, 2021 - 4:07am


Critical Commentary


De Pree, Thomas. 2021. II. Course Learning Outcomes. In Afterlife of Atomic America. Disaster STS Research Network.


New Mexico
United States

Cite as

Thomas De Pree, "II. Course Learning Outcomes", contributed by Thomas De Pree and Tim Schütz, Disaster STS Network, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 20 January 2021, accessed 28 November 2024. http://465538.bc062.asia/content/ii-course-learning-outcomes