NNU has state and federal lobby days in May with focus on passing legislation to further restrict the fossil fuel industry, empower communities to limit industrial waste, and improse access to to information and resources to fight against pollution.
"CARB is the primary state agency responsible for actions to protect public health from the harmful effects of air pollution. From guiding the activities of 35 local air pollution control districts, to leading our states efforts to address global climate change, the CARB has pioneered many of the approaches now used worldwide to address air quality problems."
Given that their entire focus in on air pollution, CARB has numerous programs that work towards different aspects of distaster and environmental justice. On their page describing their work, CARB highlights three current "topics" of focus and three current "programs. These topics include health, zero-emission transportation systems, and environmental justice. Under health, CARB has resurces for the public to understand the health risks posed by pollution. They also have resources and information about how you can better protect yourself. Lastly, CARB also discusses their work to assess and set outdoor air quality standards that "set air pollutant levels that can be present outdoors without harming the public's health." Under Zero-Emission Transportation, CARB lists current regulations on tailpipe emissions for cars, motorcycles, and heavy duty trucks, as well information on zero-emission transportations options and incentives for EV purchases. Under Environmental Justice, CARB Links to resources and information available on their Community Air Grant program, which "provide[s] support for community-based organizations to participate in the AB 617 process, and to build capacity to become active partners with government to identify, evaluate, and ultimately reduce air pollution and exposure to harmful emissions in their communities." They also link to their Community Air Protection Program, Environmental Justice Advisory Committee, and Environmental Justice Blog.
Schools are a key organization for environmental justice because they (can/should) provide students with the skills necessary to recognize and challenge environmental injustice when they see it. They can also serve as community hubs, contributing indirectly to environmental justice through the development of community social capital and political capacity.