6/17 Deadlines & Checklist:

1. Find a short article from Above the Fold and add it to the folder titled “Above the Fold Articles” in the shared Zotero (don’t worry if you’re having trouble figuring out Zotero, we’ll go over it again next week!)

2. Look over your assigned slow disaster case study from this page

3. Meet with your partner to discuss the following:

Summarize some highlights from your assigned case study:

What did you learn?

What surprised you?

What would you like to know more about after reading the article?

Summarize some highlights from your assigned case study:

Short background on the location and community

What are the major hazards in the community?

Major stakeholders?

What jumped out at you?

What would you like to know more about?

Together Identify common threads of themes between your different articles and different case studies 

6/21 Deadlines and Checklist:

 Complete Ethical Research Pratice Training at your local institution

(CITI Training Program through host university OR Human Research Protections Training through HHS)

2. Take the (anonymous) Environmental Politics Survey 

3. Read "Introducing EiJ Talks"

4. Begin Reviewing our first concept module on Homo Toxicus