Cleanup in Vulnerable Communities Initiative - “The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is putting into action one of the boldest Environmental Justice budget initiatives in California history. Governor Gavin Newsom and the State Legislature have set aside $500 million for the Cleanup in Vulnerable Communities Initiative (CVCI), a multi-year investment in communities that suffer from multiple sources of contamination.”
Brownfields Initiatives - “To help address brownfields in California, the Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) has developed a number of initiatives using a variety of administrative and legislative tools and integrated existing tools within the Site Mitigation and Brownfields Reuse Program.”
Third Party Cost Recovery Initiative for Future Work - “DTSC is currently addressing hazardous substances contamination at the Class I Landfill to protect public health and the environment from actual and/or threatened releases of hazardous substances. Under DTSC’s oversight, a group of former customers, known as the BKK Working Group (“BWG”), is conducting response actions at the Class I Landfill pursuant to federal consent decrees. These response actions include the “Essential Activities” at the Class I Landfill, an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (“EE/CA”) of the systems at the Class I Landfill, and a Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (“RI/FS”) of groundwater contamination. Together, the EE/CA and RI/FS will detail the cleanup objectives and recommend a final set of response actions for the Class I Landfill.”
Community Protection and Hazardous Waste Reduction Initiative - “The California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) is beginning the Community Protection and Hazardous Waste Reduction (Haz-Waste Reduction) Initiative. The goal of the Haz-Waste Initiative is to select up to three pilot scale projects which have the potential to accomplish the following: Reduce hazardous wastes that are generated, treated and disposed in significant quantities in California; Identify hazardous wastes generated in California that can pose substantial risks or hazards to human health or the environment; and Identify hazardous wastes that are generated, treated, or disposed in California communities that are disproportionately burdened by multiple sources of pollution.” (ended in 2017)
Anonymous, "DTSC: Initiatives", contributed by , Disaster STS Network, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 14 November 2024, accessed 11 December 2024.
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DTSC: Initiatives