READ AND REMEMBER (all mentioned in reading):

  • Disaster Capitalism 
  • Green New Deal
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
  • Climate Change Denial
  • Climate Change Mitigation 
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Community Resilience 


  • Complete Quiz
  • Write 2 Discussion Posts


Our focus this week – and last case study! -- is on climate change and environmental injustice.  We want you to extend your understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change, and of the many factors that make it hard to both mitigate and adapt to climate change.  It is important to recognize that climate change causes both fast and slow disaster -- fast = extreme weather that causes catastrophic flooding and dams to break; slow = less dramatic but still very threatening challenges that could undermine agricultural productivity, increase the incidence of particular diseases (especially mosquito borne disease), etc.


Again, watch the films you are assigned for this week through many different lenses: as a film critic (thinking about what you think about the film itself), as an anthropologist (thinking about how people in the film think and why), and as an activist (identifying problems that need to be fixed).  

 After reading and watching course material for this week, you’ll take the Combo Disaster Quiz and contribute (at least) three posts to Combo Disaster Discussion Posts.

 Make sure to revisit the “core concepts’ for the week: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), climate change denialclimate change mitigationclimate change adaptationcommunity resilience

In your case studies this week, work to describe many factors that contribute to climate change vulnerability in the community you focus on – addressing the “social determinants of health (Links to an external site.)” that you learned about last week. Your case studies should focus on climate change as an environmental health threat in Richmond, Wilmington, or Torrance. 


Next module, we’ll focus on efforts to solve environmental problems through social movements and education – learning about the tactics and thinking of Greenpeace, for example.  We’ll also return to questions about the kinds of media and messaging – comedy news, for example – that best deliver environmental education to different audiences. There has been great work in all these areas (environmental social movements, education, and journalism) so it will be an inspiring week.  In the last module for the course, your group will produce another Position Paper rather than a case study.