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Corporate Social Responsibility
There's an App for That: Telecom, Children's Rights, and Conflicting Logics of Corporate Social Responsibility
Campoamor, Leigh M.
There's an App for That: Telecom, Children's Rights, and Conflicting Logics of Corporate Social Responsibility
American Anthropologist
121, no. 3: 667-679.
Corporate social responsibility and development: An anthropological perspective
Sharp, John
Corporate social responsibility and development: An anthropological perspective
Development Southern Africa
23, no. 2: 213-222.
Hidden hands in the market: ethnographies of fair trade, ethical consumption, and corporate social responsibility
de Neve, Geert
Hidden hands in the market: ethnographies of fair trade, ethical consumption, and corporate social responsibility
Research in economic anthropology
. 1. ed. Bingley: Emerald, 2008.
Corporate responsibility and economic theory: an anthropological perspective
Gowdy, John
Corporate responsibility and economic theory: an anthropological perspective
International Journal of Sustainable Development
8, no. 4 (2005): 302.
Flexibility or exploitation? Corporate social responsibility and the perils of universalization
Smith, Jessica
, and
Frederico Helfgott
Flexibility or exploitation? Corporate social responsibility and the perils of universalization
Anthropology Today
26, no. 3: 20-23.
“CORPORATE SECURITY BEGINS IN THE COMMUNITY”: Mining, the Corporate Social Responsibility Industry, and Environmental Advocacy in Indonesia
Welker, Marina A.
“CORPORATE SECURITY BEGINS IN THE COMMUNITY”: Mining, the Corporate Social Responsibility Industry, and Environmental Advocacy in Indonesia
Cultural Anthropology
24, no. 1: 142-179.
In Good Company: An Anatomy of Corporate Social Responsibility by Dinah Rajak
Rolston, Jessica Smith
In Good Company: An Anatomy of Corporate Social Responsibility by Dinah Rajak
American Ethnologist
39, no. 4: 855-856.
Community—Coca-Cola Interface: Political-Anthropological Concerns on Corporate Social Responsibility
K. Raman, Ravi
Community—Coca-Cola Interface: Political-Anthropological Concerns on Corporate Social Responsibility
Social Analysis
51, no. 3.
The Anthropology of International Development
Mosse, David
The Anthropology of International Development
Annual Review of Anthropology
42, no. 1: 227-246.
Sustaining an Enterprise, Enacting SustainabiliTea
Loconto, Allison
Sustaining an Enterprise, Enacting SustainabiliTea
Science, Technology, & Human Values
39, no. 6: 819-843.
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