AllanaRoss Annotations

MICRO: What kinds of land use are carried out in this place? What practices make up efforts to shape land use/management? How is “public participation” organized, encouraged, valued or discounted?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - 12:24pm

Land use: extraction: Pits. Fill: mounds.

quarry to farm to landfill

practices: extraction, cultivation, disposal.

public participation is discouraged at sites engaged in these practices. Landfill has always been private property (what does that mean when the contents of 'private property' are regularly distributed into public property downstream?). Public participation is organized solely by the public, met with resistance by most public officials, and disdain/scorn/disbelief by PRPs. 

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MESO: What groups, networks, and publics seek to participate in land and resource governance? What forms of political organization have been developed in order to call for or enact particular forms of land management?

Wednesday, May 22, 2019 - 12:09pm

-Republic Services (land owners)---priority: $$$ for shareholders

-PRPs (land owners, past and present, and companies who dumped)---priority:avoiding losing $$$

-Government organizations (from AEC to EPA)---priority: competing pressure from lobbyists and citizen activists

-Citizen organizing (Just Moms etc)---priority: neighborhood health and safety

-Civil servants (at behest of one of the above)---competing pressure from lobbyists and citizen activists, retention of power

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